My Makeup Opinion.


Makeup YOUR mind

Saturday, January 8, 2011

New hair/ FOTD/ Whiter teeth

Two days ago I got my hair did! lol. I decided to go with choice no. 1 which was Jennifer Aniston's natural highlights look. It's delicate and livens up the face.

Check it out:
My new hair color brought some spunk into my eyeshadow today. With all the changes in my look lately I've been getting really excited to try more colors and changes. I went shopping for a new wardrobe, whitened my teeth, and now colored my hair. So my next move was only naturally to spunk up my eyes. Check out the shadow of the day:

Plus my new sparkiling white teeth. I used Target's cheaper whitening brand ($19). I didn't want to purchase an over priced whitener when the cheaper brand obviously does the same thing. Sometimes cheaping out doesn't work well, this is not one of those times... check it out:

Not the best picture, but the results are awesome! I can't wait to rock my brightest red lipstick!


Laura Beth

Next post will be about my weight loss, and how I lost 12 lbs.


  1. You look great !
    I paid 500$ for a whitening treatment at my dentist and the results weren't even that great. Such a waste of money!!

  2. Wow many changes but that is a good thing it gives you a boost and you look great thank you for sharing.

  3. Splendid! I find your teeth whitening product pretty effective. I just hope it doesn't have any side effect. There are teeth whitening products that contain ingredients that can cause teeth sensitivity. I suggest you also consult a dentist from time to time to ensure your teeth don't just look white outside, but they're also healthy and strong inside and out. :)
    -Clinton Zelman


Some pictures may be downloaded from other sources. This blog is just my opinion. If you choose to use some of the products listed, use with caution.