My Makeup Opinion.


Makeup YOUR mind

Monday, May 3, 2010

Guess what the mail man brought?

My mother purchased a subscription to Make-Up Artist Magazine for me. It comes a few times a year, and today was now the fourth one I've recieved. This mag is so educational, and I love learning new techiniques. I feel my creative energy flowing as I open Make-Up Artist. You get an inside peek of how special effects are done for current and classic movies. I am absolutely in love with this book. My mom did a good job getting this for me. Mom's do know best. If you love to read or even stare at awesome artistry pictures, this magazine is right up your alley too!

Sometimes the covers can be quite scary, the models look so in character you have to take a deep breath in awe. This month's cover is awesome..
What do you guys think of that cover? Her neck and hands are all body paint, so pretty!

Does this inspire you, cause it sure as hell inspires me:


  1. I know right! Makes me want to dive into my makeup box! :)

    xox Laura Beth

  2. wowzers!! i love that look in the first pic you posted. mm, that magazine sounds amazing. maybe we'll see some of your own takes on the techniques soon?? :]

  3. OMG!!! How amazing, I so want a copy :) I am always looking for inspiration for my costume design all the pictures are beautiful! xxx

  4. *gasp* The makeup and photography is out of this world! I'd love to read this magazine...

  5. @ clover: YOU KNOW IT! lo

    @ Laura Jane: Yes, this is defintely were to go for inspration. I think you'll enjoy it too!

    @Dollface: I know right, it's cheap for the subscription too.

    xox Laura Beth

  6. I subscribe to Makeup Artist Mag too!!! I LOVE it =) It is beyond inspirational. Great blog, by the way.

    Thanks for following =)

  7. I really like this months cover. So sweet of your mum to get you a subscription.

    Thanks for following & leaving a lovely comment hun. Yup, those are my natural curls! :)


Some pictures may be downloaded from other sources. This blog is just my opinion. If you choose to use some of the products listed, use with caution.